Every company – at least those that wish to survive in today’s marketplace – knows the importance of having an online presence.
Arguably, social media has become the

most effective tool when it comes to promoting businesses and communicating or connecting with a company’s target market.
The cost of maintaining or growing a customer base is reduced significantly, but it is so much more than simply saving money. It’s also about making it. And, businesses that fail to recognize this trend (ie. Newspapers) will likely see their sales suffer. Social media success is critical.
However, it is not the core focus of most small to medium enterprises (SMEs), so they will often hire a freelancer to handle their social media management.
Businesses like Hootsuite have taken advantage of this opportunity by developing online universities or training programs, and connecting users to qualified, certified professionals.
Social media is here to stay. The companies know it – at least the smart ones do – and it has never been a better time for an entrepreneurial minded freelancer to break into the business of social media management.
So, why should you become a freelance social media manager? Take a look at these top 13 reasons and see if you aren’t convinced that it can be the opportunity of a lifetime!

1. You will help clients stand out from the crowd.
SMEs will rely on you to manage their online reputation. That means developing and delivering a social media strategy aimed at building
positive relationships with existing clients, drawing in new clients, and monitoring competition.
Sounds like a lot of pressure, doesn’t it? Yes, it can be a huge responsibility, but it is also a great opportunity for you to call on your skill and creativity to design a unique online presence that will help your clients stand out from all the rest.
2. You will be in control.
Finding the ideal life/work balance can be challenging when you are
working for someone else. As a freelancer, you will be your own boss.
You can work whenever and wherever you want. Do you need an afternoon off to go to your daughter’s piano recital? No problem!
Too nice to be inside? Take your computer outside or go to a local park.
As long as you meet the client’s expectations, the “when”, “where”, and “how” is up to you!
3. You will be doing what you love.
If you love to spend time on social media, why not turn your passion into cash? Now you will have a perfectly acceptable – and profitable – excuse for spending extraordinary amounts of time online!
4. You will find plenty of opportunities.
As already mentioned, if businesses want to survive, they have to keep up with the times. However, most of them find that it is too costly to hire an in-house social media manager.
This creates great opportunities for freelancers. Since there is such a high demand, it can be quite easy to enter the field and begin your new career.
5. You will have easy access to training.
If you spend a lot of time interacting with other users on social media then you probably already have a lot of the necessary skills needed to be a social media manager.
However, there are also many programs available, both off and online, that can help you build your knowledge and improve your ability to meet client’s goals.
Check out your local community college or look into online sites such as Hootsuite to find a training program that works for you.
6. You will build expertise.
When your creativity combines with expert training, the result is a
highly skilled and effective social media manager.
Clients will rely on you to develop a social media strategy that builds a positive online reputation and gets results.
As a freelancer, you will be able to acquire a level of expertise that SME owners will respect and admire. And, the better you are at your job, the more clients you will have and the more money you will earn.
7. You will have job security.
Freelance social media managers are in high demand, so as long as
your clients are satisfied with your work, you will not have to worry about losing your job.
As a self-employed professional, you will also have several clients, so you will probably always be working on a project. As your level of expertise increases, so will your reputation and income.
8. You will be able to say goodbye to long commutes.
No more long drives and rush-hour traffic.
Occasionally, you may have meetings with clients, but for the most part, you will be working from home, your mobile device, a coffee shop, your back yard……well, you get the point!
There are better ways to spend your time than being stuck in traffic on a beautiful day, no?
9. You will decide your rates.
You will have to consider the current market, of course, but you –
rather than your clients – will set the rates. Employers will tell you the salary for a particular position; but, as a freelancer, you will decide what you want to charge for your services.
It can be a little daunting at first, but it is definitely an advantage that can help you find your ideal life/work balance.
10. You will be able to work with several different clients.
You are not obligated to work for just one client, which means you can diversify. It keeps things interesting and allows you to create a social media marketing plan for a variety of businesses or organizations.
11. You will be able to choose the clients.
You have control over the contracts that you want to accept – or reject. You don’t have to take on a job that you don’t want to do, and you can
terminate a contract with a client who is difficult to work with or who isn’t paying you on time.
12. You will be able to work while you are in school.
Since you can set your own work schedule and decide how many – or how few- clients to take on, being a social media manager is the perfect job for college or high school students.
13. You will be able to make extra money while still maintaining your life/work balance.
Not only is freelance social media management a great option for students, but it is also ideal for stay-at-home parents.
You can build a part-time career doing something you enjoy, contribute to the household budget, and still be able to meet all the demands of running a home and taking care of a family.
The advice provided on this website is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It is general advice for freelancers about the questions they should ask a professional adviser. Before acting on this education material for freelancers you should consider the appropriateness of the material, having regard to your own objectives, and seek detailed personal advice from an appropriate professional.