Businesses are very well aware of the digital and social media revolution and the changes that social media sites has created amongst consumers and their potential market.

That is why you will hardly see many Small To Medium Enterprises (SMEs) without a social media profile.
Most of them know the importance of staying connected and engaging with their existing customer base and broader market competitors.
lt does not take long for businesses to realize that they need a social media strategy. Most SMEs do not have the skills nor the training to take on the task as well as look after their core business.
Many astute business people realize that they need to outsource social media as it will be the most cost effective way to do lt.
This has given impetus to the creation of the social media industry and opportunities for freelance social media managers.
Freelance social media managers need to be aware of their vulnerability in the role of an outsourced social media manager.
Here are the 5 steps to managing the risks of a freelance social media manager:
1. Undertake the training as a freelance social media manager
In this training you will gain a clear understanding of your business statement of what services you will provide and how you will go about it.
Your training should provide you with a template of the contract for providing the services.
It will state your responsibilities as a contractor and the extent of your liabilities when developing and delivering a social media strategy as an integral part of the business marketing plan.
It is important that this document is signed off before you commence work.
2. Have in place the general insurance to protect you if something goes wrong
A business insurance broker will provide you with appropriate general insurance cover.
It is important to realize that social media is vulnerable to attack from not only disgruntled customers, but cyber attack from hackers. lt is a constant real and present danger.
It is prudent for you to not place reliance solely on the insurance of the business you are working for as a social media manager
3. Document your social media strategy plan and get it signed off by the owners
The social media strategy plan will set out what you will do and how you will go about it.
It will also state your social media goals and key performance indicators and measurement methods. The business marketing plan and social media strategy plan will require regular review and updating.
4. Involvement in a continuing education program
Social media is constantly changing and evolving and it is necessary to be involved in a continuing education program with involvement in discussion forums, webinars, videos and engagement with your peers.
This will address the risk of your knowledge being outdated.
5. Social listening to your market influencers
As an important part of every social media strategy plan social listening to industry trends and innovations for your market as it is critical in giving feedback to your business owners.
It is an important part of social media. Market awareness is a method of managing risk of a business becoming uncompetitive in its market.
Read my “How To Be Self Employed” e-book
The advice provided on this website is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It is general advice for freelancers about the questions they should ask a professional advisor. Before acting on this education material for freelancers you should consider the appropriateness of the material, having regard to your own objectives, and seek detailed personal advice from an appropriate professional .
John Cosstick