Your office is your domain. It is where creativity and productivity happen. It’s where the job gets done.
So, it should be a place that is not only efficient, but comfortable. Yes, it needs to be practical (it is a workplace, after all), but it should also reflect your style, especially if you have to spend a lot of time in it.

As a freelancer, one of the best investments you can make is in your workstation. If you are going to be spending hours a day in that environment, it might as well be a place you enjoy.
Who looks forward to spending time in a room that is cold and dreary? Of course, efficiency is the number one priority, but there is something to be said for a little comfort and cheerfulness, too!
Taking the time to plan out your work space is definitely worth the effort. Wouldn’t you agree that most of us work much better in an environment that is well organized, well laid out, and suits our own personal style and needs?
These office design tips will help you create a space that is uniquely yours without compromising functionality or practicality. Resourceful and impressive. With a little thought and planning, you really can have the best of both worlds.
1. Location, Location, Location
Where you choose to put your workstation can make a big difference on how much work you actually accomplish. If your desk is in a high-traffic area with a lot of distractions, you may find your attention being pulled away from the task at hand.
Some people can work well surrounded

by busy, bustling noise – in fact they thrive on it – but others need a little more peace and quiet. You might want to choose a room with a view or even an area near a window so you don’t feel so cut off from the world.
But, then again, some people are easily distracted by watching the birds or the trees or the flowers or the squirrels…..
2. Plan First, Spend Second
Measure the area designated for your home office or workstation
and plan a layout before buying any furniture or equipment.
You wouldn’t want to bring home the absolute perfect desk only to find out it doesn’t fit in the absolute perfect spot that you had envisioned. While visual appeal is important, functionality is essential.
Plan the layout so the items you need are comfortably within reach. It’s nice to place your desk facing a window (unless you are one of those people who is easily distracted by birds and bugs and other such things), but make sure your computer is where there won’t be a lot of glare on the screen.
After all, it doesn’t matter that your office looks pretty (or tasteful – in case “pretty” isn’t what you were aiming for) if you end up with a headache from eyestrain.
3. Be Colour Conscious

our moods and our attitudes. So, you want to paint the walls in your work area a colour that you like – one that is motivating and encourages creativity without making you feel like you just drank three double espressos.
Apparently yellow stimulates creativity, red is a little aggressive, orange encourages socialization (which may not be good if you’d rather visit than work), and blues or greens are calming.
Of course, we are all different, so you have to keep your own personality in mind when choosing a colour. If you’re not the most energetic person, you should probably stay away
from the calming colours or you might find yourself napping on your laptop.
However, if you tend to be the hyper sort, you may want to steer clear of the brighter, more stimulating shades. The point is, you don’t have to settle for boring beige or hospital green (unless, of course, you like those colours).
4. Choose Your Command Center Carefully
For most people, the desk is where the magic happens. (Well, actually it starts in your creative brain, but the desk is the tool that draws it all
out so those amazing thoughts can be shared with others.)
We all have different working techniques, so it is important that you choose a desk that is best suited to your style.
There are U-shaped desks, L-shaped desks, desks with lots of drawers, desks with adjustable computer mounting stands, or just plain ordinary tables that double as desks.
It really comes down to which one will be the best for the type of work you do and the size/shape of your office space.
5. Sit In Style

Working at a desk all day can be hard on your body. So, the right chair is very important.
You want one that is ergonomically correct, comfortable, adjustable, and provides enough support to help prevent aches and pains. If you are moving between work surfaces, a chair with wheels is also a good investment.
6. A Place For Everything and Everything In It’s Place
Nothing hinders your ability to work more than the distraction of clutter (except, possibly, being squeezed into a closet-sized work space with boring beige walls).
Your space may not be large, but if planned efficiently, it can feel deceptively roomy. And, it is possible to keep a relatively clear work surface while still having everything you need within arm’s reach.
Shelving, storage boxes, filing cabinets, and cupboards are all tools that can help organize your work area while also doubling as great decor items.
Plus, 3 door filing cabinets or stacked storage boxes make a perfect standing workstation. Studies have shown that we stay healthier if we stand up and move around at regular intervals.
So, when you’ve been sitting too long, just transfer your laptop or project to a standing work area.
Now you will be accomplishing 4 things at once: organizing your office, decorating your space, increasing productivity, and improving your health.
Talk about multitasking! Decluttering never looked so good.
7. Don’t Be In The Dark

We all need light to work at our best. Unless you are a vampire, dreary
and dim lighting can cause lethargy and lack of motivation.
Make sure your area has enough natural (if possible) and artificial lighting. Not only will a little brightness keep your mind sharp and active, but it will also prevent headaches and eye strain.
Combine good overhead lighting with a desk lamp that can be used for specific tasks. Open up the curtains on a cheery day and let the sunshine energize you.
8. Let Inspiration Be Your Guide
Most freelancers are creative, inspiration-driven people. So, you should customize your office in such a way that will help you tap into that inspiration.
Maybe it’s a comfy couch, a family photo, a picture of your dream vacation (that’s a great motivator), or fresh cut flowers.
When the space is uniquely yours, filled with things that make you feel comfortable and happy, your workstation will become a place of inspiration and creativity.
The advice provided on this website is general information only. It has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. It is general advice for freelancers about the questions they should ask a professional adviser. Before acting on this education material for freelancers you should consider the appropriateness of the material, having regard to your own objectives, and seek detailed personal advice from an appropriate professional.