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March 06, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Cyber security is essential for freelancers!

(We have changed our Newsletter design. Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

cyber security is essential for freelancers

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that link to the newsletter and check the articles.

Cybersecurity is a global issue and freelancers are impacted more than the average worker. In this issue we look for the best advice that we can find to help protect yourself and your family.

You might find this hard to believe, but we share the story by Laura Shin of the Forbes magazine about Charmaine Pocek who has earned more than a million dollars as a freelancer. The title of the story is incredible, but true.
Work-life balance can be brought back into balance by outsourcing when you are swamped with work. We explain how and why you should consider it.

I had never heard of a No-To-Do-List before I had read the article by Tim Ferris. It is a great idea. Tim’s article explains why.
Knowing the best way to choose the top apps for your finances and budgeting should not be by trial and error. In this edition we have a look at a better way to get the right apps for you.


Best Regards
(John Cosstick)

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