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May 01, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

How you can start freelancing after 55!

(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

how you can start freelancing after 55

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.

Many people ask how it is possible to start freelancing after the age of 55. We have researched top global articles on how you can do it and bring them to you.

When you decide to move from moonlighting as a freelancer to go full time, should you tell your bank if you have a home loan? We look at what you need to consider. It is an important issue.

The spotlight has fallen on cybersecurity and privacy with the revelations from Facebook. If you have a website or blog, the chances are that it is on the WordPress platform. We have found a top infographic on how to stop your WordPress website being hacked.

Also included some interesting articles on how you can lift your productivity on your daily commute.
It may seem strange to set goals when you are a freelancer and even stranger to have rewards for achieving your own goals, but there are sound reasons for doing so. We explain why.

We have noticed that the number of software engineers that have been trained by has now passed 500,000. We share the link to their latest video news.

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Best Regards

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