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September 13, 2016

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Have you ever gotten involved on a project and then realized that neither the project nor the client is ideal? The project that was going to be so great for you turns into a nightmare, and you’re stuck.

When freelancers talk to prospective clients, they’re sometimes so eager to land the assignment that they skip a crucial step: making sure the client is actually someone they want to work with. It’s important for freelancers to get to know every prospective client before taking on a new job.

So, how can you avoid the trauma and the drama? By asking these 10 questions before your client signs your contract.

Asking questions helps you to understand whether the client is the type of person you will enjoy working with or not. It will also help you assess whether his business is within what you will enjoy doing or it will be a strained way of doing things from the beginning.

Motivate Yourself!

“Concentration and mental toughness are the margins of victory.”
– Bill Russell

Mental toughness is not a quality you’re just born with. To develop and maintain the kind of mental toughness that success requires, it’s crucial that you keep your thoughts and self-talk positive and avoid the habits that lead to negativity and unhealthy behaviors. You can follow these 9 simple guidelines to build up your mental toughness.

Productivity Tip Of The Week

Working from home can be a serious adjustment. We can feel like we’re on the clock 24/7, and our boundaries between work and personal life tend to become blurry during this transition. Read this article from Huffingtonpost to learn how to keep you focused and productive.

focused and productive

Work-Life Balance Tip Of The Week

If you find yourself facing a stressful situation whether in your business or in your personal life it’s very easy to get worried, be fearful, get stressed and panic. Some stress is good for you but too much can lead to you being unable to think straight, inaction along with inadequate outcomes results. Here is a complete guide that you can follow to relieve stress naturally and fast.

stressed and panic

Financial Tip Of The Week

It is becoming increasingly easier and more popular for people to leave their 9-to-5 jobs and take on a freelancing career. Whether you are a writer, an editor, a social media manager, or a photographer, managing your money as a freelancer can be overwhelming – but these online tools will make looking after your finances simple and easy.

manage money as freelancer

Freelancers And Cyber Security

We have gained approval from Robert Siciliano to bring you extracts from his books related to cyber security for freelancers. Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant. He also gives self defense and personal safety seminars. Robert provides safety and identity theft fraud prevention tips and advice on multimedia channels in the United States. We have his approval to bring you weekly extracts from his books:

What Are the Two Most Common Ways Identities Are Stolen

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