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December 08, 2016

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Freelancing life is not a bed of roses. You have to work hard to increase your sales and to get more clients. You will also be frustrated if your income is poor. This will result in you digging your own freelance career grave.

A variety of reasons may prevent you from getting clients. If you analyze the reason behind the slowdown of your freelance income, you will often find it is the absence of a portfolio of your work.
Again, freelancers who already have a portfolio may also be a victim of lower income. This can be the result of the quality of the portfolio of your work is poor. A poor portfolio in no way can to inspire good clients to hire you.

For your freelance growth, the most essential things you have to do right now is to build a quality online portfolio. Make sure you have covered all these 15 essentials in your portfolio!

Motivate Yourself!

“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory, tactics
without strategy is the noise before defeat.” —Sun Tsu, Ancient
Chinese Military strategist.

Setting up prices for your freelance work is easy. However, your client is thinking to give you as little as possible! Freelancers who are new often do not get a satisfactory price for their work or services. This may result is many freelancers leaving the field. Here is the 3 mindset shifts as the solution of the problem.

Productivity Tip Of The Week

Freelancers can work where they want, whenever they want. This benefit attracts many people to this type of career whether they are writers, artists, or any other type of freelancer. For every freelancer time is valuable, but time mishandling is very common among freelancers. As a freelancer you have to manage your time, arrange your workspace, and take full responsibility for your clients. So, your time schedule should be flexible. This article shows how to set a flexible time schedule for your freelance work at home.

time flexible

Work-Life Balance Tip Of The Week

People sometimes can’t separate work from their personal life. For many years, Work-Life Balance has been a much debated conversation in the corporate world. This problem also exists in the freelancing world.
Freelancers are said to be their own boss. So, they have to take care of themselves. That’s why they have to know how to maintain a balance between work and life in their profession.

healthy boundarie

This interview report with Rachel Foster will help you with your work life balance.

Financial Tip Of The Week

There is a problem that freelancers often face in that payment arrives later than promised time. Sometimes, payment fluctuates. To tackle this freelancers should have a financial plan.
An important part in the financial plan is to separate your personal costs and business costs. It is important to figure out the exact

Seperate costs

income tax (some costs are deductible from your income), to get group insurance facility, to figure out your actual net income, and so on. It’s not so tough actually. You just have to keep an eye on where is your money going and identify the type of the costs. Here are 10 tricks that will help you separate your costs.

Freelancers And Cyber Security

We have gained approval from Robert Siciliano to bring you extracts from his books related to cyber security for freelancers. Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant. He also gives self defense and personal safety seminars. Robert provides safety and identity theft fraud prevention tips and advice on multimedia channels in the United States. We have his approval to bring you weekly extracts from his books:

Cyber Security Tips for freelancers

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