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The Coronavirus has caused a great deal of trauma globally.  It has not only been from the ill health caused by the virus, but the economic consequences of the governments’ lockdowns to try to control the virus and protect their citizens. It is a global catastrophe.

However, there is now hope because vaccines are being rolled out globally.  It is now time to think of the Coronavirus economic recovery and rebuilding people’s finances. It is going to be a long-term project because many governments allowed their citizens access to their retirement savings to cover living expenses during lockdowns. It is going to take many years for people to rebuild their finances.

In the United Kingdom, the Government’s Pension and Money Advice Service is well ahead of many countries with free, impartial advice to their citizens.  We have produced an infographic on the subject detailing most of the services available. The infographic is called  Top UK Money Advice and can be read by clicking on the link provided or by clicking here.

One of the most important issues in the Coronavirus economic recovery at a personal level will be increasing income and providing a second source of income to cater for economic shocks in the future. 

This will not be easy. One of the most popular and successful ways of increasing your income is by freelancing your skills over the internet.  When you are starting out you will soon realize that you must be a self-starter to achieve success. We have taken a comprehensive look at the support available.

It is important that you start to earn money as soon as practicable if you are starting freelancing because it builds confidence in your ability to earn. One of the shortcuts to doing this is to learn from the experience of others.  To help you do this we have produced a series of Amazon eBooks called The Ultimate Freelancing Library which can be visited by clicking on the link provided or by clicking here.

The Amazon Author page can be visited by clicking John Cosstick Amazon Author Page or here. The infographic below describes why we have produced it and how it can help you become successful as a freelancer.  We welcome your feedback in the contact form below. You can also follow our social media channels:

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Courtesy of: Freelance Work Guide

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