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The Role of AI in Transforming Freelance Work

Freelance work, also known as self-employment, is becoming increasingly popular in today’s workforce. Freelancers work on a project basis for multiple clients rather than being employed by a single employer. The rise of AI technology, there has been a...

A Review Of Security In The Digital World By Graham Day

Cybersecurity Is needed By Everyone I was requested by IT Governance Publishing to review their publication Security in the Digital World by Graham Day. As soon as I began reading it, I knew I’d be rating it as five stars and that cybersecurity was needed by everyone!...

8 Productivity Hacks to Help Remote Workers Focus

If there’s one silver lining hidden in the gloom of this COVID-19 outbreak, it’s probably the enthusiasm and appreciation that people are gaining for freelancing and other types of remote work. This makes productivity hacks critical. Indeed, as more businesses ask...