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Why SEO Matters for Small Business Websites?

If small businesses do not have a website, then they are surely at a big disadvantage. Along with it, if the small business owners do have a website and it is not search engine optimized (SEO) and what they are missing out on is to maximize their organic search engine...

Useful Tips for Freelancing Parents

Freelancing parents the world over face challenges every day. One of these challenges is how to balance freelancing and parenting without losing it. For most freelancers, this may be their first time to juggle work and parenting. The recent pandemic pinned a...

Top Five Tips for Moonlighting as a Freelancer

This article is by Joe Daly For those who want to bring in a little extra income, moonlighting as a freelancer is a popular choice. In fact, some of the most talented, sought-after freelancers in the business only work as a freelancer part-time. That is why I have put...