Planning to do freelancing on Platforms like Upwork or Freelancer to earn some extra bucks? Which skill will you offer to your customers? Is your field of expertise crowded already? You need to seek answers to these questions for making the right decision. You need to stand out of the crowd and do something unique to be a successful freelancer.
What do you think about crypto freelancing? Well, if you didn’t know already crypto freelancing is the new addition to the freelancing world. Let’s talk about it and learn how it works.
What is This New Freelancing Concept?
This concept is unique in itself. However, it is still traditional to some extent. Meaning, you have to complete tasks for your clients and you get paid in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum etc. But this concept still needs to be explored to some extent. People need to know about crypto freelancing platforms to earn cryptocurrency via freelancing.
Which Are the Best Platforms Offering Cryptocurrency for Freelancing?
This must be the question spinning in your head. You just need to open your browser and do some research about it. The internet is fast becoming home to many online platforms serving cryptocurrency freelancing.
You just need to figure out your financial and business goals. Another key thing you need to finalize is an effective strategy to serve your clients for using cryptocurrency on these platforms. Given below is the list of platforms for this:
The List of Platforms Serving Cryptocurrency Freelancing
- Block Lancer
This platform is very much like Freelancer. You may call it the decentralized version of Freelancer. At the same time, it gives you some feeling of working on Fiverr. That’s right! You can register yourself and create a profile on Block Lancer to get gigs for the service you want to provide to your clients. This platform offers you gigs for the following:
- Accounts and Followers
- Smart Contracts
- ICO and Blockchain Jobs
- Ethereum Jobs
- Content Writing and Translation
You don’t need to have or link your bank account to get your payment from clients. You get Ethereum as a payment for working on this particular platform serving Freelancing.
- Hirebid
This is another online platform where you can earn cryptocurrency for doing freelance work. You just need to register to get going on this platform. Once you are done creating your account, set your available time, tell your network about your availability to let bids (projects) come your way and start working to earn in the form of Bitcoin on hourly basis. What do you think about becoming a cryptocurrency freelancer on Hirebid? It looks promising!
- CoinLacer
This platform offers you jobs related to almost everything. The list includes but is not limited to content writing, translation, sales & marketing, design, architecture and customer service. You need to agree to their terms and conditions for creating your freelancing profile. After this, you are all set to apply for jobs. Clients deposit funds in escrow on this platform and you get paid in the form of CL Tokens after successfully delivering the project. You actually get your payment released by CoinLancer from escrow when your client approves the work done by you.
Some Final Words:
This list of cryptocurrency freelancing platforms does not end here. There are many more platforms on the internet nowadays that offer cryptocurrency in exchange of the work you do for your clients. Platforms like Workingforbitcoins, CanWork, Freelanceforcoins, BountyOX, BitLance, Ethlance etc. are gradually budding.
You just need to research about these platforms to be able to make the right choice. Hopefully, you find this information useful to be a successful cryptocurrency freelancer. Good luck for your next gig and stay tuned for more information on cryptocurrency.
Author Bio:
Vin Boris is a Social Media Marketer and Content Writer at Steem Experts, a Blockchain and Steem currency based development, consulting and marketing firm. Vin Boris has been Outshining in the Blockchain industry for more than 10 years.
Editorial Comment: This article on freelancing and cryptocurrency is our first on this issue, but we believe it will not be the last as it appears that it the start of a megatrend, like the Work From Home movement that has been hastened by the Coronavirus crisis. You can see that in this article from LinkedIn Learning which shows that Blockchain is the top in demand hard skill sort after by employers, you can read the article by clicking here.
We welcome contributions from other writers on this and similar topics. One topic that is of special interest is whether blockchain has or will enable freelancers to participate in the value created by their creative contribution in development of a product, service or corporate and government policy. One example of this can be seen in this article about MindHive.org which you can read in this article by www.startupdaily.net by clicking here. The second example can be seen in this article from https://disruptorleague.com/ by clicking here.
Your contributions and comments about this are welcome.
John Cosstick