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Build A Bridge To The Other Side Of The Global Crisis By Freelancing

When your work and clients are both shutdown by the global Corona Virus crisis your bills are not shutdown. They keep coming! However, you know that the crisis will not last and society will recover.

The question is how to use this time to help generate some income to supplement government support and help from your employers. You have to build a financial bridge to the other side of the crisis.

You can do this by learning to freelance your skills. We have published the Ultimate Freelancing Library to help you do this step by step from the first steps to the last.

We will help you build the bridge to the other side and we will offer the Amazon Kindle eBooks globally for free for certain periods and will let you know here.

Here is a copy of the first press release going out on Monday 23rd. March which will tell those people in lockdown that the entire library is free to download from 23rd. March to 25th. March inclusive.

The price of each Kindle eBook in the library is periodically discounted to USD1.00 each (normally USD5.00 each) for 5 days. The next discount will advertised in a press release.


Ultimate Freelancing Library to Be Offered Free for Three Days to Educate Coronavirus Pandemic Lockdown Victims

Summary: Freelance Work Guide will be offering their freelancing book collection for free to educate quarantined victims about freelancing to stabilize their income.

March 19, 2020 – The current coronavirus pandemic has quarantined millions of people across the world, halting businesses and incomes which makes it difficult for many people to earn a living and stay afloat.

The immediate economic crisis has concerned many about their future after the pandemic has calmed down. While some are able to work from home, others are forced to attend their workplace despite the fear of spreading the coronavirus and others are facing the prospect of losing their job due to halted businesses.

Freelance Work Guide, a website run by author John Cosstick, hopes to remedy the worries of those stuck in quarantine by educating readers about the benefits of freelancing and how to switch to it as a way to stabilize job security and income. Ultimate Freelancing Library collection will be made free for three days following the releases of this press release.

This will give readers access to 14 of John Cosstick’s books. His titles will educate readers about the critical skills needed to run a freelance business such as communication, finding work and skills assessment.

Among these books are complete guides to freelancing from home. These will teach pandemic lockdown victims how to work from home and achieve an extra surce of income to help cope with the financial pressure of the coronavirus while also maintaining job security.

For more information, please refer to the contact details below to get in touch with Freelance Work Guide or to check out their Ultimate Freelancing Library collection.

Freelancing Offers Numerous Benefits