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April 24, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Yes, you can start freelancing even if you are over 55!

(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

start freelancing at 55

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.

It does not matter if you are over 55 and can’t find a job, you can start freelancing. We tell you how and the story of someone who has actually done it!

Building your credibility as a freelancer when you are starting out can be tricky. We explain how this can be achieved.

Procrastination can sneak up on you in many ways and rob you of productive time and money. We explain how to identify it and take action against it.

Millennials need to slow down to speed up! Have you heard that expression? We explain what it means and the latest solution to stress and multitasking that afflicts millennials.

Should you tell your boss that you are going to moonlight as a freelancer? We explain what you should do first and the traps to watch out for!

For those freelancers who are interested in Amazon Web Services we have started sharing the weekly video news from aCloud.Guru

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Best Regards

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Freelance Work Guide is always on the lookout for ideas to better help the freelancing community. So, if you have hints or tips, send me an email to