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May 08, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Why Emotional Intelligence matters to freelancers?

(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

why emotional intelligence matters to freelancers

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.

Freelancers need to understand emotional intelligence and how it relates to freelancing. We explain why.
Before you start freelancing fulltime you need to understand your personality type. We explore why.

Depression is very costly to business because it impacts on productivity, but for freelancers the impact is on income. We explain 5 causes of depression and 10 ways to beat freelance anxiety and depression.

Is there a secret to work-life balance or is it a mirage. Psychology Today explains that there is a better approach.

Do you wonder whether smart home devices will save you time and money? We look at the issues and share the tips from as to who is likely to be the winner and why you need to know.

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Best Regards

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