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June 12, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Freelancers’ profiles and bios are critical advertising on the internet

(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

know how to improve focus to improve productivity

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.

Critical to the success for all freelancers is to know how to focus on a task to improve their productivity. It does not matter whether you are an Amazon Web Services freelancer, app developer, web content writer or a graphic designer, improving focus and productivity are related to income. We researched how this can be done.

The future of work is changing very quickly and the rise of unaffiliated workers (also known as freelancers) continues globally and the model of co-working grows with the trend. We look at the various global co-working models.

Do you know what the boiling frog syndrome is and how it can be linked to the rise of bad habits when freelancing? It can cost you money! We explain how to combat it.

If you are a millennial Mum who is looking to work part-time to help the family budget and are concerned about work-life balance and your family happiness Laura Vanderkam’s article on the questions to ask will help you.

Do you know the difference between a Life Plan and a Financial Plan? Freelancers especially need to know! Carly Schulaka has written an article called 10 Questions: George Kinder on Life Planning, inspiration and a golden civilization. Carly’s article appeared in the United States Financial Planning Association’s journal. It is essential reading with the future of work changing quickly along with rising life expectancies.

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