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January 03, 2017

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Happy New Year!

Do you want to get rid of your 9-5 job? Maybe you are a fresh graduate and you want to change the world with your entrepreneurial spirit. Or, do you want to make a career change?

The new year is a perfect time for this. Starting a small business is a great opportunity.

It’s now much easier to work from home by starting a small business. Your Local Small Business Administration Office can help you with detailed information and the necessary documentation about opening a small business.

There are enormously varied ideas for opening a small business these days. But, if you are confused about what to do, I have found an article on the best small businesses opportunities for 2017. Check it here.

Motivate Yourself!

“The proactive approach to a mistake is to acknowledge it
instantly, correct and learn from it.” —Stephen Covey

Motivation is an important driving force for the people who work for themselves. They have to adopt different techniques to keep their motivation level up.

But, it is also most useful to know about how the great freelancers regain their motivation when their motivation level decreases.

Profoundry has published an article of the interview of 15 freelancers on how they tackle this. Here is the article.

Productivity Tip Of The Week

I know some young, energetic and enthusiastic freelancers who work predominantly from outside the home. They look like they are leading a nomad life but, actually, they are adventurous.

When you are a freelancer you can lead a nomadic life if you want to! It is one of the most appealing perks that attract many people to this career. You will have interesting experiences in your life and expand your views through this.

laptop notebook working outside

Sometimes, you might have to go somewhere urgently but you can’t postpone your client’s tasks.
As I have mentioned earlier, freelancer are free from this obstacle. You can work from anywhere you want, while visiting friends or when you are watching the world. It only requires some essentials to work remotely.

Here is an excellent article where the experts explain what they need while working remotely.

Work-Life Balance Tip Of The Week

About 50 percent of all U.S. business owners work more than 50 hours per week and 20 percent of them work more than 60 hours. From a recent survey by the business coaching organization, The Alternative Board, it was revealed that most of them think they work too much in excess of the standard weekly working hours.

Tip Tuesday Blog Banner work life balance

But, as an entrepreneur, in no way you can avoid your work. There are some tasks that no one can handle but you. Then what about your work-life balance?

I have researched and found an article answering how busy entrepreneurs keep their work life balance. The article is in here.

Financial Tip Of The Week

If you investigate the great sites like Facebook, Pinterest or Twitter, you will find that, at the beginning, they didn’t have a monetization plan. At that time they only focused on creating something that would attract attention. Once they had the traffic flow in place, then they started thinking about monetization.


I think in these days, the scope of a huge internet start-up is very narrow. So, we should keep a few things in mind before creating a website: make sure there is a market of your site, try to create values, and selecting the right niche etc.

Then you should develop your monetization plan. There are number of ways you can earn from a good site. Check this article which covers 10 important ways of earning from your site.

Freelancers And Cyber Security

We have gained approval from Robert Siciliano to bring you extracts from his books related to cyber security for freelancers. Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant. He also gives self defense and personal safety seminars. Robert provides safety and identity theft fraud prevention tips and advice on multimedia channels in the United States. We have his approval to bring you weekly extracts from his books:


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