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February 09, 2017

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

How would you explain why are you the best person for a job?

A very common question that most of the job seeker faces in the interview board that is “Why are you the best person for the job?”. Freelancers face this type of questions while they are in an interview with a new potential client.

Through this question the job provider wants to be assured that you have sufficient knowledge about their task. So, when you face a job interview, you have to have the answers to questions that you can reasonably anticipate.

The answer for each job interview question should be contacted and appropriate. Alison Doyle has published an article in The Balance showing the different ways to answer these type of interview questions, coupled with some tips and some sample answers too!

Follow this link to get the answers and tips. Tip number three is my favorite!

Motivate Yourself!

“Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot
change their minds cannot change anything.” — George Bernard

Are you worried about your success in life? Here are 8 awesome strategies to ensure your success.

Once you set up your goal, then “progress” will be a step to measure your success. Break your goal into small pieces and try to achieve one of them every day. Don’t care, whether the piece of your success is small or big. This process will run you towards success.

You can apply this method in various spheres of your life It applies to your freelance business, your health or specially in your finance to ensure success. You just have to figure out which skill is required for your success.

These small pieces of every day’s progress will work as fuel in your everyday life. Each morning you’ll feel more energetic and encouraged in your job by the power of your progress.

Now, to make progress in your life you need to follow some strategies. These strategies are really simple but awesome. I’ve found them in Max Weigand’s article in the DumbLittleMan blog. Here is  the article. I think that strategy number two is the most powerful!

Productivity Tip Of The Week

Do you know the techniques to choose the perfect graphic designer for you?

When you’re in need of a graphic designer for your business, its website or related content it’s better to leave it to a professional if you’re not a professional graphic designer yourself.

It’s very simple to find and hire a professional freelancer to outsource now-a-days. However, finding the right graphic designer for your job requires that you must know how to evaluate a designer portfolio.

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Choosing the right person involves some techniques and you have to follow these techniques to evaluate their portfolio! Evaluating the portfolio of a designer requires that you answer some critical questions. Anada Lakra has written a detailed article about this in the 99 Designs blog.

This article will also be very helpful for graphic designers preparing their own portfolio to promote their services to potential clients. Here is the article from Anada. I particularly like her strategy of focusing firstly on the logistical questions. I think you will agree with me.

Work-Life Balance Tip Of The Week

Do you believe that you can burn your calories just by sitting?

Did you notice in the title “You Can Burn Your Calories Just By Sitting”, do you believe it? It is true!

We know, sitting for a long time increases your health risk. It is especially true for freelancers who are often required to sit for a long time doing creative work. When you sit for too long, you burn less calories than the recommended amount. But, the good news is that you can burn calories by sitting.

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This is all about controlling the intake of calories while sitting and following some tricks to continue to burn calories. Alice Mackenzie reveals some burning calories secrets in the DumbLittleMan blog. Check this article for Alice’s secrets. I like number 2 most and intend to try it!

Financial Tip Of The Week

Do you know what are the most tax-friendly states for retirees in your country?

After retirement you’ll be entitled for some facilities provided by the state, but you can’t get rid of some costs imposed by the state itself. But, when you run on a limited income you need to be budget conscious as much as possible.

In a post by Tonya Moreno, CPA which appears in The Balance blog, Tonya looks at

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which states in the United States are best to retire to. However, the ideas that Tonya presents are applicable to whichever country you live in: tax friendly states matter! You need to do your research before retiring.
So, for U.S. retirees, moving to any of the tax friendly states identified by Tonya is worth considering. Here is the article from Tonya. Did you know which U.S. States had the lowest sales tax? Tonya let you know!

Freelancers And Cyber Security

We have gained approval from Robert Siciliano to bring you extracts from his books related to cyber security for freelancers. Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant. He also gives self defense and personal safety seminars. Robert provides safety and identity theft fraud prevention tips and advice on multimedia channels in the United States. We have his approval to bring you weekly extracts from his books:

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