Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers: Here is the latest newsletter of this week starting on 5th of December 2017.

A critical part of your freelancing moonlighting plan is knowing what you can outsource and still make a profit. Our job is to find the information that will help you.
Chris Ducker has written 101 Tasks to Outsource to Virtual Staff to Grow Your Business! Not all the tasks related to the role of a freelancer, but it is a good reference point from which to start. You can read Chris’s article here.
Freelancer.com is the largest freelancing platform in the world. It has over 26.1 million users and at the time of writing 12.8 million jobs listed. You can read about them here.
Nick Golding from Freelancer.com has written Working with a Freelancer: How to Set Clear Expectations & 7 Tips for a Successful Partnership. Nick knows a lot about freelancing and working with freelancers. You can read his article here.
Chris Ducker who wrote the article mentioned in the first paragraph above also wrote the best-selling eBook Virtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Business.
This is an important part of being a successful freelancer while still keeping your 9 to 5 job. It will help with your work life balance and have quality family time.
You can obtain a copy of the eBook from Amazon by clicking here or on the link icon below:
Amazon Disclosure: The links used are affiliate links. By buying through the links I may receive a commission for the sale. This has no effect on the price for you.
Motivational Tip Of The Week
Motivate Yourself!
“The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only a page.” –
Saint Augustine
Should You Be Motivated To Work While You Travel?
One of the great attractions to being freelancers who work online is that many can work wherever they are. This also applies to those who have to travel between various locations, often on long tedious plane flights.
The alternative is that it is time wasted. You can take the view that it is a good time to

relax and catch up on reading a novel or technical material, but if you have your eye on making money it is often better to be motivated to use the time being creative.
Steve Gillman has written Make a Living Writing From the Road: Tips for Working While Traveling for The Write Life. Here is the article.
There are many thousands of freelancers who work in transit nowadays and hence improve productivity. It has even reached the extent of co-working locations started in cities around the world for freelancers choosing to work in transit.
The website coworker.com has been developed and has over 5,500 co-working spaces in various countries and over 15,000 members. You can read about it here. Roger Wade has written 5 important tips for freelancing while traveling for AuthorityLabs.com which you can read here.
Most freelancers will, I believe, realize that their business model requires that they use travel time to the best of their ability unless, of course, it is a planned holiday. It is clear that technology allows you to do this.
Productivity and Budget Tips of the Week
Workspace Ergonomics And Productivity Are Linked!
A badly designed work-space along with a poorly adjusted desk and chair can severely impact the productivity of office workers. This is especially so for freelancers because they are in charge of designing their own work-space.
If their desks, computer screens or chairs are

not properly positioned it can result in back or neck problems. This can result in health problems that doubly cost by way of lost productivity and treatment cost.
If you are only just starting out freelancing and are setting up your home office, Laura Vanderkam has written 10 Quick Tips To Create A Home Office You’ll Actually Want To Work In. Laura’s article appears in FastCompany.com.
However, if you are having trouble with your current office design and you have had a few trips to the physiotherapist because of the poor ergonomic layout of your work-space this TechRepublic.com article written by Mark Kaelin will help you. You can read it here.
Work-Life Balance Tip of the Week
Would Co-working With Kids Work For You?
I have a friend at our church who was in the church’s young mums’ club forty years ago who still meets regularly with two of the original seven parents in the group. Of course, they are in their seventies now. When the group started, the way that society was structured, working mothers were unusual.

However, now it often requires two parents working to balance the family budget. This presents a work-life balance problem to parents because being there for your children in their younger years is important, but you still need the additional income.
Freelancing is part of the answer as there are so many jobs that can be completed over the internet. Watching the kids play at the same time can be tricky unless you have a grandparent or friend who can help.
Innovation can be a wonderful thing for solving all kinds of problems. It only requires someone to ask the right question and a solution can be found. Katy Salter has written Co-working nurseries: Can work and playtime really mix?
Katy has written the article for the United Kingdom’s Telegraph Lifestyle section and can be read here. I think it is a solution. Would it work for you and your family?
Financial Tip of the Week
Do You Know How To Build Your Business Credit When You Are Self-Employed?
If you have been self-employed for some time as a freelancer, whatever skill set, it is important that you are able to show clearly your track record as a profitable business.
The reason for this is that when you come to borrow money, the lender will want to know your creditworthiness. It is important that you know how to build creditworthiness.

Elaine Pofeldt has written 5 Ways to Build Business Credit When You’re Self-Employed for Wisebread.com which you can read here.
Amazon Associates Website Case Study
Domain name chose: BestSellersHourly.com.au. The cost of the related business name, Prime Benefits, registered with Australian Securities and

Investment Commission for one year was A$35.00. The cost of the domain names was A$12.00 each per year with Net Registry.
Project to build the website was listed on Freelancer.com. The project required ten pages of 200 words description on the most popular Amazon best sellers categories, the home page of 400 words, popular plugins (the list is available for those interested), graphics and photos for the website, Facebook page and Twitter.
The articles were outsourced to Paul Words.com/. The WordPress Thesis Theme was purchased here. The Easy Azon WordPress plugin was purchased, but not used after Amazon Associates upgraded their OneLink service.
The result of the above can be seen here as a work in process here www.BestSellersHourly.com.au
Summary of costs to date can be seen here.
The background work for building the website was advised. If you want to refer back to what was being done you can check the back issues here.
An important change was announced by the Amazon to its associates that will impact this project. You can read about it here.
The website plan has been switched from bestsellershourly.com.au to bestsellershourly.com and will be developed there because of the technology changes Amazon made to link their stores internationally under OneLink.
The contractors from Freelancer.com have partially completed their work: researching the categories and sub-categories of the global Amazon Best Sellers Hourly PLUS establishing bestsellershourly.com.au.
It is considerable behind the scenes work being completed by the contractors from Freelancer.com. This work has been outsourced.
Freelancers And Cyber Security
We have gained approval from Robert Siciliano to bring you extracts from his books related to cyber security for freelancers. Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant.
He also gives self defense and personal safety seminars. Robert provides safety and identity theft fraud prevention tips and advice on multimedia channels in the United States. We have his approval to bring you weekly extracts from his books:
What Can An Identity Thief Gain From Stealing My Mail?