Weekly Newsletter for The Freelancers: Here is the latest newsletter of the week starting on 16th September 2019.
Critical information is provided in the article by Michelle Schroeder-Gardner featured in the www.problogger.com blog.

There are people who love blogging. But, right now they can’t leave their full-time job to shift in freelance blogging. There may be several reasons for not leaving their current job.
As you know, a blog will take some time to be established. At the beginning, earnings from your blog will be low. It will not be a wise decision to leave your main job because of your low earnings from your blog. During this establishment time the earnings from your full-time job will pay your bills.
But, if you really love blogging and freelancing, you can make time from your current job to work on the job that you are passionate about. Michelle tells her secrets about how she now makes around $100,000 per month from a blog which she established while working full time.
From Michelle’s article, you’ll get the ideas on how to make time from your full-time job. You can read Michelle’s article by clicking here.
Motivate Yourself!
56 Challenges To Kick-Start Life After Fifty
“Most people don’t grow up. Most people age. They
find parking spaces, honour their credit cards, get
married, have children and call that maturity. What
that is, is aging.”
– Maya Angelou

Are you concerned about your future after 50? I’m asking this because, I have heard that people at this stage of life, feel like they are dropping off from the earth! This feeling can be challenged and changed.
Patrick Millerd‘s article in the Dumb Little Man blog challenges you to change your thinking, your life and your future.
It is not unusual to think about the meaning of life and your future when you turn fifty.
Ideas and action plans can change your view of life after fifty. Patrick Millerd knows this and helps you develop your future. He will make you feel courageous and optimistic.
Here is an article with a ton of ideas to kick-start life after your 50. Read Patrick’s article by clicking here.
I think the idea of never stop learning is the most important. It will help you to engage with other ideas too. What do you think?
Productivity Tip Of The Week
20 Best New Portfolios, January 2019

Image Credit pixabay.com
Whatever is the area of your freelancing, you must have a portfolio site of your own. I have shared articles earlier about how to create an engaging portfolio. The design or the appearance of your portfolio site is very important in this regard.
The design of your portfolio site creates a sense of your creative ability amongst potential clients.
I’ve found an article on Web Designer Depot on the best new portfolio sites for 2019. If you haven’t created your portfolio site yet, you should consider the designs shared in this article. And if you already have your portfolio site, consider incorporating the ideas from these designs.
The new look of your site will help you increase the marketing of your freelancing work. The article is by Ezequiel Bruni and you can read it here. The design by Kristopher Balleter’s is quite impressive! So, what have you selected?
Work-Life Balance Tip Of The Week
Do You Know The Importance Of Sleeping Well For The Freelancers?

Freelancers, especially the young freelancers, often make a mess with their sleeping schedules. This happens when there is an extreme pressure to meet clients’ deadlines. During this time, they forget about their health. What many freelancers don’t realize is that this hazard to their health will take time to recover.
Some freelancers overworking on a project might plan that having a long sleep after the project is completed will allow them to recover quickly. But often this does not work.
Good health depends on good sleep management. I’ve searched for this topic and found an article on the importance of sleeping. This article is written by Gregory Brown for www.dumblittleman.com blog entitled Get strong, sleep, repeat: the importance of sleep was written in 2017, but it is timeless. You can read Gregory’s article by clicking here.
Financial Tip of the Week
Looking For A Part-Time Job Beside Your Freelancing?

Part-time jobs are popular amongst students. But, if you have time after your main business (i.e. Part-time freelancing, after college, or even after your full-time job) you also can use a part-time job to boost your income.
There are numerous part-time jobs. Many companies outsource their daily tasks to reduce costs and you can use this to your advantage. Again, some companies allow you to work from home for them on a flexible time schedule. So, you can often do this work after your 9-5 office hour day job.
Other companies outsource people on a commission basis. If you can make sales, you’ll get a specific commission on each sale. An apartment broker is an example of this type of job.
There are many others. The work conditions depend on the nature of the companies outsourcing their tasks. I’ve found an excellent article on various types of part-time jobs and how to get them. The article is written by Alison Doyle and appears in The Balance blog. You can read the article here.
I think that the part time job No. 12 that Alison mentions is the best.
Skills Development and Inspiration News

Image Credit Pixabay.com
We are constantly searching for news articles and videos on skills development and inspiration for freelancers.
Each week we have decided to bring you the links to what we consider are the top three articles or videos. Here they are for this week:
- I know that many freelancers work with business clients and use many different skills to help their clients. One of the skills that is growing in demand is being able to manage the write for us policy of businesses.
This may start off as being in-house, but if it is successful it can become time consuming and I believe it will become an outsourcing opportunity for freelancers.
We have an article on our website about this entitled Top 11 ways a business can promote its write for us page which you can read by clicking here. - Starting moonlighting as a freelancer is a skill that must be acquired. There are two ways to obtain this skill, one is by making mistakes and learning by experience which costs you money. The other her way is by learning from experience of others.
We have written an article entitled Moonlighting Freelancers – 20 Success Tips to Help Balance the Family Budget. You can read this article by clicking here.
- If you are already in charge of the Write for Us policy of a business as a freelancer, it is important that you acquire the skill of knowing what a sponsored post is compared to a normal guest post.
We have helped you acquire this skill by writing How Much and Why A Website Owner Should Charge for A Sponsored Guest Post. You can read our article by clicking here.
There are now 5,000 skills in 90 categories that the digital economy can offer, according to Upwork’s 1st. Quarter 2019 Skills Index which you can read here.
Number twenty on the list is DaVinci Resolve. If you are like me, you will wonder what this is this new skill. I looked it up on Wikipedia of course.
Articles now on our website that are relevant to the outcome of new skills training are listed here:
- https://techlifefuture.com/drought-proof-your-farming-business.html
- https://techlifefuture.com/millennials-freelancing-home-mortgage-save.html
- https://techlifefuture.com/students-freelancing-student-loans.html
- https://techlifefuture.com/freelancing-repay-housing-negative-equity.html
- https://techlifefuture.com/millennial-families-pay-energy-bills-by-freelancing.html
The latest one is here:
Amazon News

The weekly AWS news video link to acloud.guru is here. They are the leading trainers globally for Amazon Web Services freelancers.
Amazon Associates Website Case Study

As discussed in previous newsletters we are focussing on the niche website in the future because it is producing better results i.e. sales.
Here is a recent article Simpson Pressure Washer Reviews. There have been 65 Amazon product sales (across all our websites) in the past month due to the keyword research and skills of Mamun, my virtual assistant.
Freelancers And Cyber Security
We have decided to expand our search for appropriate articles for freelancers about cybersecurity and online scams.
The latest Australian Government’s eSafety Commissioner’s article on family safety is The rush to encrypt…and its unintended victims which can be read here.
Robert Siciliano is an identity theft expert and consultant. He also runs a cyber security and fraud prevention website which you can see here.

What Is Account Takeover Fraud? (Part-3)

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