In the report 405 Freelance Statistics for 2023: Market Size, Profile Data& Salary Rates it is revealed that 38% of the global workforce call themselves freelancers or independent contractors. Collaboration between employees and freelancers on projects is a major global issue. You can read the report HERE.

2. Definition Of Freelancing Teams Remote Employees
Freelancing teams are groups of people who work independently, usually from different locations, as part of a larger project. Freelancers typically specialize in various areas and collaborate with each other to get the job done. Remote employees, on the other hand, are individuals working for an organization or company from their own home or office.
They may have their own schedules, but still must collaborate with other employees in the same company. Creately is looking to improve the collaboration between employees and freelancers working together on projects.
2. Who is Creately
Creately is an innovative platform designed to help freelancing teams and remote employees co-operate more effectively. It provides a set of tools that enable users to manage project progress, track tasks, assign roles, and communicate with each other in real-time.
The platform also offers features such as file sharing, time tracking and task scheduling that make it easier for remote teams to work together. With Creately, teams can increase their productivity and collaboration with ease. This platform is ideal for freelancers who need to collaborate on projects without the hassle of traditional team management tools.
Freelancing teams and remote employees will benefit greatly from using Creately as it streamlines their workflow and simplifies communication processes.
3. Advantages of Freelancing Teams & Remote Employees
Creately helps freelancing teams and remote employees co-operate by providing tools that facilitate collaboration. With its intuitive user interface, Creately offers a suite of tools designed to streamline communication and make it easier for teams to share ideas and plan tasks.
It also provides an online workspace where members can store documents, notes and other project materials in one centralized location. The platform also facilitates the sharing of feedback and offers an integrated chat system to enable real-time conversations between members.
Collaboration between employees and freelancers can bring a
variety of benefits to an organization.
Employees bring a level of stability and institutional
knowledge, while freelancers can bring
new perspectives, specialized skills and flexibility. When
working together, they
can combine their strengths to achieve a common goal and
complete projects more efficiently.
4. Why Freelancing teams and Remote Employee teams need to co-operate
Innovation, co-operation, and collaboration are some of the main keys to success in modern businesses using a mix of freelancers and employees to accomplish an organization’s goals.
Now, freelancing teams and remote employees are taking the world by storm, and Creately is here to help them make the most of it. Their platform provides a secure, efficient and streamlined way for freelancers and employees to co-operate in real-time. With Creately, your team can stay connected, share ideas and collaborate with ease on a single platform.
6. World’s First Work Management Platform on a Smart Visual Canvas
Technology has enabled the world to move towards visualization to help workers to collaborate. This video explains far better than text as to why this is important in the world of freelancers and employees for collaboration:
7. Creately Also Collaborates With Microsoft Teams
With Creately, co-operating with freelancers and remote employees is easier than ever before! Freelancing teams can now focus on getting the job done, without worrying about having to manage multiple teams and keep track of progress. Creately makes it simpler than ever for freelancers and remote employees to work together in a productive way.
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