What is the Identity Management Institute?
The Identity Management Institute is an international professional body responsible for Identity management training, certification and compliance. Identity Management, also known as ID management, is an administrative area that handles the personal and corporate identification in a given system. This system can either be a country, an enterprise, or a network. Through identity management, the resource access is controlled in a system by incorporating restrictions and user rights for an established identity.
The Identity Management Institute (IMI) is a global organization and industry leader in identity risk training and certification and has redefined the meaning of identity management. IMI currently manages the largest identity theft discussion forum in the world, and provides international and innovative solutions in identity risk management. Here are the top 10 reasons why they are the leaders in identity management:

1) Certified Identity Risk Manager (CIRM) Credentials
New threats to identity theft continue to evolve across the globe. ID theft and associated frauds are increasing, while governments are addressing these issues through regulations. But the Certified Identity Risk Manager designation from IMI will validate your professional education, your skills, your experience, and will open new career opportunities in evolving and emerging fields. The Identity Management Institute membership along with a CIRM designation exhibits professional involvement, an eye for identity risk management, and the professional experience in the field. IMI implements networking and educational services to identity risk management professionals and to collectively address the identity risks.
2) Certified Red Flag Specialist (CRFS) Credentials
A Certified Red Flag Specialist designation is a leading certification in the identity theft prevention and compliance field. This program has been based on the techniques approved by the government in the United States. However, the examination has been developed separately by The Identity Management Institute. With this credential, you develop skills in identity theft prevention program management and reporting, business and service provider risk assessments, fraud red flag identification, detection and prevention, policies and procedures, and staff training.
3) Certified Identity Protection Advisor (CIPA) Credentials
Identity theft continues to evolve and threaten millions of consumers.This costs businesses billions of dollars. Certified Identity Protection Advisors are increasingly being needed to address these identity protection challenges by preventing, determining and resolving ID theft. This program educates the candidates on the latest ID theft risks and key controls. Professionals with this qualification are able to help customers prevent, detect or resolve identity theft.
4) Promoting Identity Management on a Global Scale
IMI connects with thousands of identity management professionals from across the globe. This is done through their identity theft discussion forum, which enables professionals in the field to have their say on what the latest trends in identity theft are and how to counter them. By its existence the Forum and the Institute contribute to Business Process Improvement globally.
5) Evolving Identity Risk Management Solutions
IMI hosts blogs and journals that provide insight on how identity risk management is being carried out in what is being called a ‘viral age’. Yes, information travels faster today than ever before. But at IMI, the identity risk managers bring innovative and flexible solutions to identity risk assessment.
6) Implementing Best Identity Management Practices
IMI is about increasing identity risk awareness and implementing the standards for identity risk management. This is being performed through their educational programs, certifications, and guidelines. IMI conforms to the international regulations in identity management, along with setting standards for best business practices in the field.
7) Promoting Ethics and Standards for Identity Management
IMI is responsible for promoting standards in the identity management field by implementing international solutions to the identity theft risks we face today. They are a part of the Better Business Bureau and collaborate with federal governments to address the latest threats we face in identity risks.
8) Adding Credibility to the Identity Management Business
An accredited IMI member carries credibility to their name. The programs and credentials taken at IMI are setting the standard for identity theft education. Identity management professionals from IMI are highly skilled in identity risk management and in meeting the challenges of new identity theft threats.
9) Addressing the Latest Identity Theft Risks
The sad nature of identity theft is that the medium is ever evolving. More often than not, standards and policies for identity theft management become quickly outdated. For this reason, IMI addresses the latest identity theft risks in their identity theft discussion forum. This is where thousands of global experts discuss problems and come up with solutions to provide effective identity theft management techniques.
10) Providing a Resourceful Learning Experience
IMI is an industry leader in identity risk training and certification. They provide a resourceful learning experience by establishing independent accreditation processes of the highest standards which are generally accepted by identity theft management professionals. They serve the IMI members and the general public through advocacy for the identity management profession, awareness of identity risks, and collaborating with global experts to resolve the new challenges faced in the field. IMI also participates in a LinkedIn Forum and a Google Plus public awareness page. If you would like to learn more about about the Identity Management Institute click here.
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