If you have taken on freelance work to earn income from home then you should also have a website where you market yourself.
Although online promotion is an essential part of having a successful freelance career, your website can also be useful in bringing in some much-needed extra cash.
Using a Website to Build Your Business Online
Consider using an all-in-one hosting and marketing package which includes all the information you need to work from home and build a successful business online, based on your passions and interests.
Here’s a brief summary of some of the ways you could use your website to supplement the income from your freelancing work.
Enhancing Your Website
If you are offering a specific service there may be products that enhance the service that you can sell from your website.
Promoting affiliate products can lead to higher earnings; in fact you might earn so much that your website could become your primary business rather than the freelance career you set out to promote.
If you’re wondering which affiliate products you should offer, conduct research on sites offering services similar to your own. If you would like more information about affiliate marketing, contact me here for a free affiliate marketing guide.
Freelancing benefits – a stay- at-home mom works on a laptop in kitchen while taking care of a young child

Contextual Advertising
Another option for monetizing your website and earning income from home is contextual advertising such as Google Adsense.
These are the smaller ads that appear on thousands of websites and placing those on your site could result in additional income. When someone sees an ad on your site for something interesting and clicks on a link you get paid; it’s that simple.
In addition to contextual advertising there are several companies that offer in text advertising which works on the same basis.
Other Income Options
You can also consider including advertising widgets on your site, accepting private ad deals, placing sponsored posts or reviews or having a membership area where you charge people for participation.
It’s also worth thinking about whether you can create any information products that you can sell from your website.
All of these options provide ways to earn income from home, from multiple sources.
Once you have created a product, placed the advertising code or promoted an affiliate product then your site could earn passive income for you, while you sleep.
Of course, building your own website is another way you can use your writing skills for web content writing.
Use Reputable Organizations to Build Your Business
If you want to earn money on the internet you should use reputable organizations, like Upwork for finding legitimate freelance work online and for building your website.
The Site Build It! system offered by SiteSell is now taught in several well-known Universities and Colleges around the world.
Here are some of the Universities and Colleges:
- The University of Arizona
- Penn State University
- University of Wisconsin-Fox Valley
- University of Alaska
- Austin Community College
- Santa Fe Community College
SBI! is not a “get rich quick” (GRQ) system – it helps you to convert your knowledge, skills and experience into a business.
Learn more from the video below:
SiteSell offers several options to help you to get started with your website, including stay at home e-learning courses.
Need More Information?
If you need more information about SBI! and how it can help you to earn income from home as a freelancer, contact me, or you can ask an SBI! Advisor.