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by Sunny
(Washington, DC/USA)

When I was just out of college, I found an ad in a Washington newspaper that offered work from home. I went along to the seminar and heard that no money would be required because we would be making the firm $$ by calling their leads. I felt so happy to find a job where I could work from home. Of course there is no happy ending to this story. The seminar leaders suggested I would move up the ladder quicker by paying $700 for more leads. One of the leaders even told my shy 21-year-old self that her son might like to take me out on a date. Of course it was all a scam and I lost the $700. I am posting the story just to add the warning that we are all vulnerable to something sounding too good to be true.

Moderator’s Comment

Hi, Sunny, It is amazing the things that you do when you are young and inexperienced. It is a lesson of life, that people say one thing and do another and it is only later on in life that realize that this is true.

John Cosstick