It’s no secret that social media is a powerful communication tool. However, what may come as a surprise is just how rapidly it continues to evolve. Businesses to stay ahead of the curve and be aware of the latest social media trends.

Instagram, Facebook, twitter, linkdin and Snapchat have already incorporated stories into their platforms, but expect to see more brands leveraging this feature in the upcoming year. Stories are a great way for brands to engage with followers in an authentic and creative manner.
Live video streaming is quickly becoming one of the most popular ways for businesses to interact with customers and increase engagement. Platforms such as YouTube, Twitch and Periscope offer unique opportunities for companies to host webinars, Q&A sessions, and live tutorials.
Social media marketing will continue to be a popular tool for businesses. This trend is expected to become even more powerful with the introduction of new AI-driven ad targeting tools that make it easier than ever to target customers based on their interests and behaviors.
Companies are increasingly relying on influencers, or people who have an established presence and a large following on social media platforms, to promote their products and services. This type of marketing strategy can help companies reach audiences that may not normally be exposed to traditional advertising methods.
Social messaging apps like WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, WeChat, Viber, Line and Kik are becoming increasingly popular as people rely on them for real-time communication. Companies are starting to take advantage of this by creating chatbots that can interact directly with customers and answer their queries in an efficient manner.
Learn the best practices, tools, and Social Media Strategies to help you create an effective and measurable social media plan.
1. Social Media Marketing Insights and Power Tips:Discover essential power tips for social media marketing.
2. Social Media News Release: Social Media News Release is the latest trend in press release.
3. Social Media Optimization: Social media optimization creates a cohesive strategy for your social media networking.
4. Social Media Consultant: A Social Media consultant can help you market and brand your business effectively
5. Social Media Sites:A Social Media consultant can help you market and brand your business effectively
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7. Ultimate Business Guide To Employing A Freelance Social Media Manager:Ultimate Business Guide To Employing A Freelance Social Media Manager (or training your own)
8. 15 Reasons To Use Tailwind App:15 Reasons To Tailwind App For Pinterest and Instagram
9. The Best 11 Tailwind Strategies For Your Pinterest Account:The Best 11 Tailwind Strategies For Your Pinterest Account
10. Tailwind Users’ Guide:Tailwind is an application that allows users to manage their Pinterest accounts more easily thereby saving the user money and time.