This is a contributor’s article from Heather Neves
Over the last decade, if we reflect upon, there have been many changes in the field of technology and business.
As the quote goes by change is the law of life, we firmly believe that 2019 has come up with great trends, which are effective for the business.
These technologies and trends transform our business like no other. By doing so, you shall notice the changes thereby achieving the success.
Today, in this blog, we are going to share with you the top ten biggest business and tech trends of 2019.
To know more about it, keep scrolling the blog until you reach down!
1. Cyber Security

In the past years, businesses have become extra protective for the data that they share. These days, the cybercriminal attacks have taken over. It can occur anytime, whether opening a corrupted file or perhaps link through an email.
Sometimes, even if the networks are secured, businesses are still at the risk of losing the information.
During such times, training the employees regarding cybersecurity is essential. With this, they are able to prevent the breaches that might take place.
Besides, we can also see the huge change in the network security thereby making it stronger. It collects the data and sends warnings every time there is an intrusion.
2. Open Ecosystems
Remember the times we used to opt for the closed technical infrastructure. Well, in 2019 we will notice more of the open platforms that shall bring open ecosystems.
Almost all the devices we use are connected through a network. And on top of that, the amount of data we use is on another level.
Also, not to forget the entrance of 5G which is entirely changing the layout and boost up the speed.
3. Blockchain Technology

Another tech trend is the Blockchain technology that is a technique of storing the information and data with the decentralized pattern.
Primarily, the Blockchain is distributed ledger that works with the network and ensures that the interactions that are legit.
A lot of businesses is looking to build and experiment with the Blockchain technology for the benefits.
4. More IoT

We are aware of the change that IoT has brought in the industry. In general terms, it refers to the network of billions of physical devices all over the globe.
Each of these inter-connected devices is together with the sensors that shall provide the data collection all over the globe.
Moreover, when you combine the robotics and artificial intelligence together with the help of a sensor then it is called Embodied Cognition.
In this type, the robotic systems are implied thereon to perform the tasks that can be learned through training. It is also known as the IoRT that means Integrating Sensors into Robotic Systems.
5. Bio-Hacking

Often people used to worry about health and do nothing over it. But, now things have changed. People are becoming more conscious of their lifestyle.
We are becoming more aware of the latest health-related problems and finding the methods to implement.
With this thought in mind, the Bio-Hacking has emerged in 2019. It is basically about hacking your own body to improve and utilize the physical and mental performance.
All of these become possible by controlling external stimuli.
6. Big Data

The growth of Big Data is increasing in 2019 and more in 2020. It will be improving the businesses across all spectrums of industries and of course, the economies.
It has evolved over the period and permits small businesses to utilize the maximum usage. With the help of Big Data, one can eliminate the costly setup and data experts.
Since all the information can be accessed remotely via an internet connection, the big data becomes truly useful.
7. Business Models
Now that we are discussing the tech trends, we cannot miss out the sustainable business models that are developing.
The idea of a sustainable business model is deeply rooted since the past couple of decades. But, over the last year, it has drastically improved.
The core motive of the products and services is to increase the sales margin and increased profit WITHOUT AFFECTING THE ENVIRONMENT.
Taking efforts, creating awareness and climate goals about sustainability are what the European Union aims for.
8. Augmented Reality And Virtual Reality
The Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality are one of the leading trends that we shall see in the upcoming times.
Augmented Reality i.e. AR will add the digital elements by using the smartphone or camera. Virtual Reality i.e. VR brings you the splendid experience, which is just out of the world.
There have been many boundaries for the AR and VR. But, in 2019 it might become possible that they are useful to B2B and B2C.
9. Cloud Usage

Businesses are bound to increase their use of web-based applications. For the organizations who largely work with the IT models that are cloud-based might start working with the vendors.
With this, the question of security and efficiency arises since it will be distributing IT support. It becomes tricky to manage the data and of course, continuity.
For addressing this specific issue, strong IT professionals are hired who can handle the vendor relationship.
10. Chatbots For Customer Support

The Chatbots are changing the way customers used to interact. It has been famous for several years and will continue to do so even in 2019.
For every website you visit, customer support is essential. By integrating the Chatbots inside your website, your customers and clients will get the instant replay and answer to their questions.
It saves time by not consulting with the customer representative. It will also increase the engagement on your website more.
The Chatbots are powered with AI and machine learning so that they will provide you the utmost answers and relevant solutions.
So, that was all about the 10 biggest business and tech trends of 2019. We are halfway through the year, there are many odds of new tech and business trends coming forward.
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