by Lucy
(United Kingdom)

The Netwriter’s Master Course
When you want to make an impact through your article, you should make sure that the article has the proper mixture of all the ingredients. It is important to organize the article in a way which attracts the reader to continue reading. To help you better, here are a few tips to grab the attention of the readers through your writing skills:
A proper research is very essential before you give the final copy. Readers want to know the facts and figures correct, therefore there is no scope for error or vague results. A proper research is compulsory if and when you want your readers to read the rest of your article.
Your introduction or the first few lines should hit the reader. Your title should be catchy and fun. Try to be creative when writing an introduction. As the old saying goes the first impression is the best and the last impression, make your impression or set the tone of the article with your introduction. This way you can make sure that your readers wouldn’t skip your articles.
Know the subject:
Have a prior knowledge about the topic you write. If necessary take help, research or ask someone. It helps you to write better when you understand a topic whether in fiction or non-fiction.
Let the words flow:
When you lose yourself in writing, you produce good work. Let it flow from the intro to the body and conclusion. This acts as a great way. Try to express your thoughts on paper in a way that the reader identifies the emotion. It is important that your article conveys the message you want to say.
Have a good grip on the language. It could be any, but you need to have good language as you may at times, need to express sentiments and emotions. Keep your language simple and basic. Simplicity is good. It’s no point using intellectual language when your reader doesn’t understand it.
This is the toughest job. You need to establish credibility and you can do this only when you are sure about the information you provide especially with blog articles, reports, and research analysis.
Lucy currently writes articles for finance blogs and websites such as PPI Claims.
Moderator’s Comments:
Thanks for this article Lucy. It is important to understand a subject thoroughly before writing about it. Readers who want further information and downloadable guides on this subject, they can visit here.
John Cosstick