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April 03, 2018

Weekly Newsletter for Freelancers

Moonlighting Mastermind Groups Can Help Freelancers

(Click on the Image to directly go to the Newsletter.)

moonlighting mastermind groups can help freelancers

Following are the summaries of the articles that we’ve featured in this newsletter. Click on the button below that links to the newsletter and check the articles.

Moonlighting mastermind groups can help freelancers at all levels be more successful. We explain what they are and how they can help.

Global trends that change society are very powerful and make governments rethink policy. Do you think that self-employed working mothers should be eligible for statutory maternity leave pay? We look at this issue in the UK.

Have you ever felt like an impostor? Many famous people have. We find stories to share and explain how to overcome this feeling.

Protecting your rights as a freelancer is a global issue and we look at the 10 reasons why a Freelancers Union membership matters.

Critical to getting paid what you are worth is your negotiation skills. We explain why.

Amazon Web Services continues to grow globally and we tell you the news of the latest major company to sign up. Freelancers providing Amazon Web Services must love this trend.

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Best Regard

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