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We are imagining that we are pitching an idea for a global start-up competition to help with the financial recovery of the hundreds of millions of people that have been impacted by the Coronavirus (CV19) pandemic. Globally, cities and countries are emerging from lock-downs and governments are tentatively easing restrictions as vaccinations levels rise.

Globally, people are anxious and depressed as government and private support to put food on the table, pay the bills and accommodation costs is being wound back. This article is going to look at what an idea to help people with a hand up instead of a handout would look like including innovation, start-ups, and challenging traditional silos in thinking.

1. Describing My Idea


Money Help Today Needs To Focus On Post Cv19 Recovery As We Move Towards 2050

This focus is needed because of the financial hardship CV19 has caused many people during the lock-downs and stand-downs. This is particularly true for families. Loneliness, depression, and anxiety about the future has impacted many people, young, youth, middle aged and the elderly.

Around the world, there have been many and varied government and private schemes to help put food on victims’ tables and pay the bills. Those that have utilized their retirement savings and emergency money now know rebuilding their finances is critical . Those business owners that have lost their family business are going to have to start again.

Critical for the future of many is having a Life Plan as well as a Financial Plan because they are likely to have to work longer and many will have to moonlight on a second job as a freelancer for years and re-skill to retire part-time. This ideally requires An Online Freelancing Course working with financial service providers and banks. It also means homeowners with large mortgages must know when to switch to a fixed rate housing loan as a critical part of rebuilding their finances. It will help cap the costs of accommodation as interest rates start to rise.

2. Who Are My Customers


The CV 19 victims are my customers. Those that now know what financial hardship is and what depletion of savings can mean for their future lifestyle. They also know they must protect themselves in case of future calamities and contagions. These risks cannot necessarily be insured against. It requires thinking about the future and taking personal responsibility for their life plan and financial plan.

Those that are now concerned about their own and their dependents’ futures realize that MONEY HELP TODAY has changed as has the future of work. CV19 has revealed that the government support for the freelancing community and the work at home employees is deficient and should not be left to market forces.

Re-skilling and being able to work from home is a staggering global trend. During the pandemic the number of people freelancing globally rose to 35% of the total global workforce: 405 Freelance Statistics for 2021: Market Size, Profile Data & Salary Rates 

Financial recovery requires minimizing the outgo for accommodation in the way of housing loan repayments by taking the long-term view of costs and seeking independent advice that will give you that view. A Life Planner will help you take a long-term view of your life and what you want to achieve and how to go about it, including re-skilling in later life.

The CV19 impact has changed the financial future and the future of work for hundreds of millions of people globally. Many people have not yet realized this.

3. Where Is The Project At Now

The assistance for the freelancing community has been helped by the establishment of the Ultimate Freelancing Library which can be viewed here: Ultimate Freelancing Library ( These Amazon eBooks are available globally through the Amazon stores in each country. The Amazon Author page can be visited here: here

A global press release has been sent out entitled: Help for People Wanting to Rebuild Their Finances by Re-skilling as Digital Freelancers which can be seen here. It is part of the campaign to help people during the pandemic and the recovery to come.

The campaign to raise awareness of the plight of freelancers globally and the changing future of work has been brought to the attention of International Labour Organization see here. The CEO of the Freelancers Union has brought this to the attention of the IMF in 2017, see here.

The campaign to improve the risk management of housing loans and have better support for freelancers has been brought to the attention of the Money and Pension Service in the United Kingdom, see below:





Entry has been accepted for the European Bold Awards for a related project, see here. The goal is to find a partner to apply for the related global patents in case a University is not interested. One Australian process patent is already held, see here. An application for a Government grant to help with market compliance has already been submitted.

4. Who Are My Competitors And Why


There are no readily identifiable current cross silo finance/freelancing skills training competitors that have sought to bring freelancing skills training and finance together. There are independent organizations that are focused on their silo field of endeavour e.g.:

The main competitor/potential partners is and because they take a global view of their clients, although AARP are more focused on those clients that are over 50 years old. The AARP survey of Americans fifty years old plus revealed that their greatest fear prior to the pandemic showed that almost 50% of Americans the greatest fear was running out of funds in retirement, see here: Half of Americans worry they will outlive their money (

5. What Is The Unfair Advantage That I Have

The unfair advantage that I have is that I have worked in banking, accounting and financial planning as well as owning and administering the following finance, innovation, cybersecurity and freelancing related websites plus the Ultimate Freelancing Library:


If you are interested in visiting our Ultimate Freelancing Library click on the link below: Ultimate freelancing library.


Visit John Cosstick’s Amazon Author Page by

These are the key topics of the Ultimate Freelancing Library:

  • Assessment of skills
  • Mistakes to avoid
  • Avoiding cybercrimes
  • Work life balance
  • Determining where to focus as a freelancer
  • How to manage international competition
  • How to win contracts
  • Managing stress, anxiety, and depression
  • Communication skills

Regarding seeking partners in The Bold Awards Forum to develop the further patents that will be the foundation of future products, policies, and procedures the competitive advantage is that I already own the key operational patent for Australia.

I am a member of, and

Imagine That You Were Pitching This Idea To Support People With The
Financial Recovery From Cv19

What is your idea for a hand up as the hand outs are wound back? Your comments are welcome on the form below or on these Facebook pages: FreelanceWorkGuide, Towards2100