For many people, the thought of retirement brings up images of long days spent golfing or gardening, leisurely vacations, and finally having the time to pursue hobbies. However, for some, the thought of retirement can be stressful. Retiring part-time has a lot of benefits.
Leaving a job that has been a big part of your life for years can be scary, and the financial implications of retirement can be daunting. This is especially true if you fear running out of money in retirement.
Retirement savings and retirement income is a critical issue for all retirees. This article is a guide to happily retiring part-time successfully. The reason you should consider retiring part-time is simple, it is because it makes your savings last longer and you can afford to do things in retirement that you enjoy e.g., travel. Part time jobs for older workers are not easily found and that is why AARP have moved to help their members with their WorkForYourself@50+ toolkit.
However, even though AARP are based in the United States the fear of running out of money is global issue for retirees. The articles in this website are primarily aimed at helping freelancers.
The global digital economy has presented retirees with the opportunity to be either freelancers being paid for their skills such as copywriting using AI or being solopreneurs with online businesses – or both! You can read about using AI by clicking here. This article looks at having a realistic step by step guide to having a successful online business.
1. Retiring Does Not Have To Mean Giving Up Work Entirely
Retiring part-time has many benefits that make it an attractive option for seniors. One of the biggest advantages is that it gives you more free time to pursue hobbies and spend with loved ones. It can also take some of the pressure off financially, as you will still have an income coming in. And with the rise of the digital economy, there are even more opportunities than ever before to work from home or start your own business. So, if you are considering retirement, retiring part-time may be the perfect solution for you.
Enjoyable retirement is possible if you plan accordingly and make use of the amazing opportunities that are available today. There are quality resources to help you with planning to retire part-time. The ones that we are highlighting in this article here are MyLongevity.com.au, AARP, The Certified Financial Planning Standards Board, The Kinder Institute of Life Planning, and SiteSell.com:
Mylongevity.com.au is a site that uses data to calculate and project an individual’s life expectancy. The site also offers guidance on how to potentially retire earlier without stress. The site is important to retirees because it can help them plan for their retirement by knowing how long they may need their savings to last.
Mylongevity.com.au is like other sites like AARP and SoloBuildIt, but it focuses specifically on life expectancy at birth and retirement planning. The site’s goals are to help people understand the importance of longevity planning and to provide them with the tools they need to make informed decisions about their retirement. By helping people plan for a longer retirement, Mylongevity.com.au can help reduce the stress and anxiety. Read more here.
AARP is a non-profit organization that helps people over the age of fifty prepare for retirement. The organization offers a variety of resources, including a website with information on retirement planning, life expectancy calculator assistance here, and resources that helps users assess their health status and make lifestyle changes to improve their long-term health.
AARP also offers discounts on travel, dining, and other products and services. In addition, the organization advocates for policies that support older Americans, such as Social Security and Medicare. AARP’s goal is to help Americans live their best lives in retirement. To that end, the organization provides resources to help individuals plan for retirement, stay healthy, and save money.
The Certified Financial Planning Standards Board is responsible for certifying financial planners. To be certified, a financial planner must meet certain educational and experience requirements, as well as pass an exam. The Certified Financial Planning Standards Board also sets the standards for financial planning, which all certified financial planners must abide by. These standards cover topics such as ethics, client communication, and financial analysis.
By making sure that all certified financial planners meet these standards, the Certified Financial Planning Standards Board helps to protect consumers and ensure that they receive quality financial advice. Read more here.
The Kinder Institute of Life Planning is committed to helping people live rich, full lives. One way they do this is by training and registering Certified Life Planners. Certified Life Planners are individuals who have completed their rigorous certification process and who are committed to helping others plan for all aspects of their lives.
Their certification process includes both classroom training and a practicum, during which life planners work with clients to help them develop personalized life plans. This process helps to ensure that their Certified Life Planners are well-prepared to provide high-quality life planning services. In addition, they offer ongoing training and support to their Certified Life Planners so that they can continue to grow and develop in their careers. Read more here.
SoloBuildIt is a platform that helps people earn an income online by being Solopreneurs. Solopreneurs are people who work for themselves as small business owners, and SoloBuildIt provides them with the tools, resources, and support they need to be successful. One of the goals of SoloBuildIt is to help Solopreneurs earn a living doing what they love.
Another goal is to provide Solopreneurs with the opportunity to build long-term, sustainable businesses. To help Solopreneurs, achieve these goals, SoloBuildIt offers a number of features and resources, including web hosting, marketing tools, and 24/7 support. Additionally, SoloBuildIt offers a money-back satisfaction guarantee, so Solopreneurs can try out the platform risk-free.
2. There Are Many Benefits To Retiring Part-time
Retiring does not have to mean quitting work altogether. In fact, for many people, retiring part-time can be the ideal way to enjoy a more relaxed lifestyle while still bringing in some extra income. There are several benefits to retiring part-time, including more free time to pursue hobbies or spend with family and friends, and less financial pressure. If you are considering retiring part-time, it is a smart idea to speak with a financial planner to get an idea of how much money you will need to comfortably maintain your lifestyle.
They should be working with a life planner whether in house or by referral. A life planner can also help you determine whether freelancing or working as a solopreneur would be the best option for you. Regardless of what path you choose, enjoying a retirement that is both financially secure and enjoyable.
3. Retiring Part-time Can Offer The Best Of Both Worlds
Retiring does not have to mean giving up work entirely. Retiring part-time can offer the best of both worlds – more free time and less stress. Retiring part-time has many benefits that make it an attractive option for retiring part-time has the great advantage of making your retirement savings last longer. It also empowers you to overcome the fear of running out of money in retirement.
4. Retiring Part-time Can Be A Terrific Way To Ease Into Retirement
Retiring does not mean that you must stop working altogether. In fact, retiring part-time has many advantages, both financial and personal. Working part-time during retirement can help make your savings last longer, giving you peace of mind and allowing you to enjoy your retirement years without worrying about money.
Additionally, retiring part-time gives you the best of both worlds: the freedom to enjoy your retired lifestyle while still maintaining a sense of purpose and connection through work. And, because you will be working fewer hours, you will experience less stress overall.
If you are wondering whether retiring part-time is the right decision for you, be sure to talk to a financial planner and life planner to get more information. You may be surprised at just how much they can help you.
This is how a life planner can help you by working with a financial planner when starting retirement:
As people are living longer and healthier lives, retirement planning has become increasingly complex. That is where a life planner qualified by the Kinder Institute can help. Life planners are trained to help you understand your “longevity number” – the age you are likely to live to – and develop a plan that will ensure you have the resources you need to support yourself throughout your retirement years. This includes working with a financial planner to make sure your retirement savings are on track.
With the help of a life planner, you can be confident that you are making the most of your retirement years. You can read more about the Kinder Institute and what a life planner does by clicking here.
5. Part-time Work Can Mean Getting Paid For Your Skills As A Freelancer Or Being A Small Business Owner
Part-time work can be a wonderful way to enjoy a more relaxed retirement. Whether you are freelancing or running a small business, you will have more control over your schedule and be able to work around your other commitments. And with the right support, you can still make a good living while enjoying your free time. AARP’s WorkForYourself@50+ toolkit can help you get started with their downloadable toolkit which available by clicking here.
SoloBuildIt programme offers detailed support for solopreneurs. If you are a freelance writer, there are now AI writing assistants that can help you produce articles to sell or publish online. So, there is plenty of support available if you want to retire part-time. But whatever you choose to do, remember that part-time work should be enjoyable.
6. If You Are Considering Retiring Part-time, There Are Some Helpful Resources To Keep In Mind
Part-time work can be a wonderful way to ease into retirement. It can give you the opportunity to explore new interests, or to finally devote some time to those hobbies you never had the chance to pursue. And, of course, it can also provide a much-needed source of income. But how do you choose the right part-time job? As mentioned above, the American retirement association AARP has a downloadable toolkit called WorkForYourself@50+ that can help you select the right employment.
This toolkit includes resources on starting your own business, freelancing, and other ways to make money in retirement. Or, if you are not sure what you want to do, you should always consult with a life planner. A life planner can help you.
One of the best things about retiring is that you finally have the time to pursue your passions. Whether it is painting, gardening, or writing, retirees often find that they suddenly have more free time on their hands.
Many retirees also find that they need to supplement their income to maintain their lifestyle. Enter SoloBuildIt program. This program is designed specifically for retirees who want to start an online business.
Not only does it provide all the tools and resources you need to get started, but it also offers valuable advice on how to retire part-time and manage your new business without adding stress to your life.
7. Retirement Is A Big Decision But Retiring Part-time Can Be A Wonderful Way To Enjoy Your Golden Years.

Retirement is a time to enjoy oneself and if one chooses to retire part-time, it is important to choose wisely as one will be their own boss. Working within a group to produce an income from a passion is ideal. Have a look through the choices of the SoloBuildIt solopreneurs stories to see the diversity of choices and the road to happiness in retirement that many have chosen. Enjoying a less stressful and more flexible lifestyle are just some of the reasons why retiring can be the golden years.
With more free time, retirees can do things they love without worrying about working long hours. In short, retiring can be an enjoyable and rewarding experience if planned carefully.
Taking Action:
There are many benefits to retiring part-time, including more free time and less stress. If you are considering retiring part-time, be sure to talk to a financial planner and life planner to get more information.
We recommend that you read Erik Stettler’s article Redefining Retirement: The Benefits of Freelancing After 60. Erik is the Chief Economist at Toptal.com. You can read the article by clicking HERE.
Toptal is a platform that connects businesses with the top 3% of freelance software developers, designers, finance experts, product managers, and project managers in the world. They offer a wide range of services to help businesses find the right talent for their most important projects. We have worked with Toptal.com freelancers on a project and we are their affiliates.
You may be surprised at just how much you can enjoy your retirement years by working fewer hours and work at something you enjoy while making your retirement money last longer. I recommend that you take action by finding out more about the training program that helped the retirees featured above achieve their goals. The following videos detail The Whole Story of the training:
Disclosures: I am a member of the AARP in the United States.
I own these two SoloBuildIt websites: https://techlifefuture.com/ and https://www.identity-theft-scout.com/ and I am an affiliate of SiteSell which means they may pay me for promoting their services and solopreneurs training program.